Department of Computer Science



This page documents the RobChart and RoboSim Software and Physical Models of the SRanger example. It is a robot that moves in a straight line and then turns when it finds an obstacle. The RoboTool project is available for download here and includes the RoboChart and RoboSim models (software and physical models). The RoboWorld document is found here.

RoboChart Model


The tock-CSP semantics of the RoboChart model, as automatically calculated by RoboTool, is found in the archive in csp-gen/timed/defs/SimFW.csp. A simplified version of that semantics, proved to be equivalent, is typed in RC_simplified.assertions. An excerpt is reproduced below, where the main process is Spec.

MinusNoNeg(e1,e2,T) = if e1-e2 > 0 then Minus(e1,e2,T) else 0

timed csp Spec csp-begin
Timed(OneStep) {

  -- Simplified RoboChart semantics, written within a timed-section

  -- Main process with maximal progress.
  Spec = timed_priority(Initial)

  Initial = EntryMoving;
            -- In the RoboChart model #MBC is reset after obstacle, so we need to subtract 2 units
            -- from that, given that EntryTurning consumes, at least, 2 time units.

  EntryMoving = StartBy(SimFW::CMovement::moveCall.const_SimFW_SMovement_lv.0 -> WAIT(1),0)

  Obs = -> SKIP

  EntryTurning = StartBy(SimFW::CMovement::stopCall -> WAIT(1) ;
                  StartBy(SimFW::CMovement::moveCall.0.const_SimFW_SMovement_av -> WAIT(1),

  -- For verification using tick-tock need to provide alphabet of Spec process,
  -- which in this case is exactly the same as that of the built-in calculated
  -- by RoboTool
  Spec__sem__events = SimFW::CMovement::sem__events                                  

timed assertion A0 : SimFW::CMovement equals Spec
timed assertion A1 : SimFW::CMovement equals Spec in the tick-tock model

For verification with FDR, the file csp-gen/timed/RC_simplified_assertions.csp should be loaded. It contains CSPM automatically generated by RoboTool from RC_simplified.assertions.

RoboChart Probabilistic Model

A probabilistic junction is added to the RoboChart model above to allow for randomly choose to turn left or right when an obstacle is detected.

The probabilistic model can be found in the archive The properties checked (considering PI=3, av=2, and lv=1) are listed below and can be found in prob_properties/prob.assertions in the archive. The verification report can be found in prism-gen/20221104135200/prob_assertions.html in the archive.

  • P_deadlock_free: deadlock freedom
  • P_reachable_TurningLeft: whether state TurningLeft is reachable
  • P_reachable_TurningRight: whether state TurningRight is reachable
  • P_prob_TurningRight: the probability that the state TurningRight is eventually reached
  • P_always_TurningRight: whether state TurningRight is always reachable
  • P_nr_obstacle: on average, how many obstacles before the state TurningRight is eventually reached

Verification results:

** Please note that current analysis of probabilistic behaviour of this model using PRISM cannot deal with time semantics, and so this analysis ignores those time constructs. **

RoboSim Model

The model include a p-model, a d-model and the platform mapping that connects them. The used elements of the RoboSim library are also shown.

Software model


The tock-CSP semantics of the RoboSim software model, as automatically calculated by RoboTool, is found in the archive in csp-gen/sim/defs/SimSMovement.csp. A simplified version of that semantics, proved to be equivalent, is typed in RS_simplified.rsa with an excerpt reproduced below:

timed csp Spec csp-begin
Timed(OneStep) {

  -- Simplified RoboSim semantics, written within a timed-section

  -- Main process with maximal progress.
  Spec = timed_priority(StartBy(SimCMovement::registerRead.SimCMovement::i_obstacle?x__ -> Initial,0))

  Initial = SMoving;

  SMoving = StartBy(SimCMovement::registerWrite.SimCMovement::o_move.const_SimSMovement_lv.0 -> SKIP,0)

  DMoving = WAIT(cycle_SimCMovement_SimCMovement);
            StartBy(SimCMovement::registerRead.SimCMovement::i_obstacle?obstacle ->
              if obstacle then
                StartBy(SimCMovement::registerWrite.SimCMovement::o_stop -> SKIP,0)

  Waiting = WAIT(cycle_SimCMovement_SimCMovement)

  STurning = StartBy(SimCMovement::registerRead.SimCMovement::i_obstacle?x__ ->
        StartBy(SimCMovement::registerWrite.SimCMovement::o_move.0.const_SimSMovement_av -> SKIP,0)

  -- Note the use of a parameter MBC to replicate the current value of the clock MBC
  DTurning(MBC) = WAIT(cycle_SimCMovement_SimCMovement);
                  StartBy(SimCMovement::registerRead.SimCMovement::i_obstacle?x__ ->
                    if (MBC >= Div(const_SimSMovement_PI,const_SimSMovement_av,core_real)) then

  -- For verification using tick-tock need to provide alphabet of Spec process,
  -- which in this case is exactly the same as that of the built-in calculated
  -- by RoboTool
  Spec__sem__events = SimCMovement::sem__events            

timed assertion A0 : SimCMovement equals Spec
timed assertion A1 : SimCMovement equals Spec in the tick-tock model

For verification with FDR, the file csp-gen/sim/file_RS_simplified_assertions.csp should be loaded. It contains CSPM automatically generated by RoboTool from RS_simplified.rsa.

Simulation verification against RoboChart model

The verification that the simulation is a correct implementation of the RoboChart software model is specified within the file checks.rsa containing the following:

simulation Sim of SimFW::CMovement {
  cycleDef { cycle == 1 }

assertion A0 : SimCMovement refines Sim
assertion A1 : SimCMovement refines Sim in the tick-tock model

For verification with the FDR the corresponding CSPM file is csp-gen/sim/file_checks_assertions.csp.

Physical model


The hybrid semantics of the RoboSim p-model, partially calculated by RoboTool, is found here. The semantics is shown below:

Global constants

Process declaration and local constants

Process state

Local variables

Action to send data to p-model

Action to receive data from p-model


Main action

Complete system

Summary in CSP-M like notations
// SRanger_Base_LHinge_F: vector(real,6)
// ...

const TimeScale: real, // This is the correspondence of a discrete time unit and the continous time (e.g., TimeScale = 5ms indicates that a tock in the d-model takes 5ms)
   	  cycle: real | cycle == 1, // This comes from the definition of cycle
      SRanger_Base_LHinge_AXIS: vector(real,3) = (|0,1,0|),
      SRanger_Base_LHinge_S: vector(real,6) = ScrewAxis(SRanger_Base_LHinge_AXIS, Pitch::Finite(0)),
SRanger = var timer: real,
        SRanger_Base_LHinge_pV: vector(real,6),
    @ let
      Init = SKIP
      ResetTimer = timer := 0
      SendToSoftware = (
          if (SRanger_Base_IR_voltage>=3.0)
          then registerRead.obstacle.true -> SKIP
          else registerRead.obstacle.false -> SKIP
      ReceiveFromSoftware = (
        registerWrite.moveCall?lv?av -> (
          {SRanger_Base_LHinge_LMotor_das, SRanger_Base_RHinge_RMotor_das}:[
            (lv==RADIUS * (dsl + dsr) / 2) 
            (av==RADIUS * (dsl - dsr) / axisLength)
        registerWrite.stopCall -> (
          {SRanger_Base_LHinge_LMotor_das, SRanger_Base_RHinge_RMotor_das}:[
      Cycle = SendToSoftware; ReceiveFromSoftware /\ wait(cycle); ResetTimer;
        var SRanger_Base_LHinge_theta: real,
            SRanger_Base_LHinge_v: real,
          @ (
            // equations
            SRanger_Base_IR_voltage == 4*exp(-0.028784*SRanger_Base_IR_distance)
            SRanger_Base_LHinge_fV == AdT(SRanger_Base_LHinge_theta)*SRanger_Base_LHinge_pV
            // the timer variable controls the execution of the cycle; it is reset at every cycle
            timer' = 1
          ) /\ (
            // domain condition
            timer > TimeScale*cycle
          ); Cycle
    within Init; Cycle

Simulation = (SRanger [|{|tock,registerRead,registerWrite|}|] SimCMovement)\{|tock,registerRead,registerWrite|}


A description of the RoboWorld model is available and a zip file with RoboWorld document for the ranger and lexicon files for the RoboWorld plugin is provided.

The arena is two-dimensional.
The arena has a floor.
The gradient of the ground is 0.0.
The arena has obstacles.
The robot is a point mass.
The obstacles are circles.
The arena has at least 2 obstacles.
When the distance from the robot to an obstacle is less than 0.5 m, the event obstacle occurs.
When the operation move(lv,av) is called, the velocity of the robot is set to lv m/s in the direction of the orientation of the robot, and the angular velocity of the robot is set to av rad/s.

RoboCert (sequence diagram)

A RoboCert script is available that encodes the sequence diagram below:

The script also carries an equivalent, but simplified, hand-written tock-CSP encoding of the property, and assertions to check its equivalence against that generated by RoboTool.

We also make the RoboTool-generated translation to tock-CSP available for reference (as this file depends on various other files generated and copied by RoboTool, people wishing to verify the property should copy the .rcert file into the SRanger case study and use RoboTool to generate the CSP afresh).

Tool information

This model was created using the RoboSim Physical Modelling Graphical Editor version 3.0.0.

The CyPhyCircus model our RoboSim Physical models can be generated using a combination of the CyPhyCircus Generator, which produces the process algebraic component of the model and the robosim-solver, which calculates the continuous component. Currently, these need to be integrated by hand, but the CyPhyCircus generator is being extended to execute the robosim-solver internally and to incorporate its results into the complete hybrid model. The document robosim-solver-manual gives a brief overview of the tool and step by step instructions of how to use it.

The RoboCert development targets the RoboCert Textual Editor and Metamodel version 0.1.0. Note that, when generating CSP from properties.rcert, the CSP will appear at csp-gen/timed/robocert/pkg/properties.csp and can be checked using FDR4. You may need to remove some definitions from csp-gen/timed/instantiations.csp for a successful compilation.

The probabilistic model could only be analysed using the RoboChart PRISM Generator and RoboChart Assertions plugins released after November 04, 2022.

Department of Computer Science
Deramore Lane, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5GH, UK
Tel: 01904 325500
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