Department of Computer Science

Kick off meeting

On Monday the 30th of November 2015, the kick-off meeting with our Advisory Board was held at the Department of Computer Science.

Room: CSE102/103


Time Activity
09:30 Arrival and coffee
10:00 Welcome and introductions
10:15 An overview of the RoboCalc proposal, Ana Cavalcanti (York)
10:45 Presentations by the Advisory Board members
10:45 ASV: Unmanned Marine Systems, Rich Daltry
11:00 Blue Bear Systems, Yoge Patel
11:15 Bristol Robotics Laboratory, Alan Winfield
11:30 Coffee break
11:45 Presentations by the Advisory Board members
11:45 Centre for Autonomous Systems Technology, Michael Fisher
12:00 DRisQ, Nick Tudor
12:15 Flightworks, Matt Pilmoor
12:30 IBM Ireland, Patrick O'Sullivan
12:45 Tekever, Mark Baxter
13:00 Lunch
14:00 RoboCalc case study, Jon Timmis (York)
14:20 Concrete short-term plans
14:20 Core state-machine notation and RoboTool, Alvaro Miyazawa (York)
14:40 Timed state machines, Pedro Ribeiro (York)
15:00 Simulation API, Wei Li (York)
15:20 Coffee break
15:30 Discussion of strategic plans: Q&A session
16:00 Wrap up and close

Department of Computer Science
Deramore Lane, University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5GH, UK
Tel: 01904 325500
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